At the beginning of June several of our ringers joined with other ringers from the Weald area on a bell ringing holiday to Scotland. We will not be back until after the deadline for this issue of the Magazine, but we hope to include a report in the August issue. Other than this, little of note has happened in bell ringing circles during late May and early June, so this month’s report is necessarily a short one.
We have no weddings requiring bells during July, nor do we currently have any visiting bands of ringers scheduled to ring our bells. We will therefore just be ringing on our normal Tuesday practice evening and for the regular Sunday Services during July.
However, looking forward to next month we will be ringing for the wedding of Stephen Bassett and Becky Mahoney on Saturday 8th August. Steve is a member of our own band and we are therefore proposing to attempt a peal (around three hours’ continuous ringing) following the wedding to celebrate the event.