Seventeen in total at practice tonight. Some really promising progress from our younger ringers who are doing really well and some excellent progress with Plain Hunting on even numbers from some of our older learners. A very good attempt of three leads of London Major into Little Bob, excellent London, we obviously need to practice Little Bob!
Practice Night
17 in total at practice tonight. Call changes on ten, some Single Oxford for a change and a slightly optimistic attempt at Spliced Major.
Practice Night
A rather reduced practice tonight, early ringing included rounds on 6, where our newest ringer was “putting it all together” at only his second practice. Later on we rang Orpheus Doubles, Cambridge Minor & Grandsire Triples, all half muffled.
Practice Night
A solid practice at Staplehurst tonight, Superlative Surprise Major (the Superlative both describes the method and the quality) as well as some fine Triples and Doubles ringing. Some really good progress on the London learning front, with three successful touches of London Surprise and Little Bob Major.