Welcome to Bell Ringing at All Saints’ Staplehurst

All Saints Tower Works

6/10/24 Update

Due to restricted access to the tower during part of the works on the roof, our bells have been silent for the past month.

This morning , we’re back ( at least for now).

View from All Saints Ringing Room
Bell Ringing at All Saints' Staplehurst

Staplehurst Bell Ringers are a friendly band and enjoy ringing together for services, special occasions and practice nights. We are very happy to welcome new recruits and pass on our skills to keep this traditional practice going forward.  Our glorious 10 bells are well maintained, easy going and enjoyable to ring.  We hope you enjoy hearing them too! 

Ringing church bells can be learned by people of all ages from about 10 upwards but you will need to be able to climb the spiral staircase first.  Unfortunately, there is no lift access to the tower so ringers must be reasonably fit.  Ringing is a great activity for the whole family and stretches both mind and body in ways you never thought possible! 

The regular practice night is from 19.30 to 21.15 every Tuesday evening, service ringing 09.15-10.00 on Sundays and at other times by arrangement.  There is no obligation to attend services after ringing.  For a fee, the bells at Staplehurst can also be rung for weddings, funerals, celebration of life or any other special occasion or anniversary. 

You are welcome to come up to the tower and see what we do on a Tuesday evening (but please contact the Tower Captain in advance to agree a time) or join us in the Kings Head after ringing from 21.15.  Don’t be afraid of coming and having a chat with us over a glass of something refreshing after ringing the bells! 

If you would like any more information, please contact –  Adam Brady – Tower Captain 

All Saints Church Website (External link)

Staplehurst Bellringers Report January 2025

Staplehurst Bellringers Report February 2025


The Staplehurst Bellringers hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and wish you all the best for the New Year.

The early copy deadline for this issue means that this report was written before the start of the Christmas festivities, but by the time you read this we will be approaching the end of what is always a busy time for our ringers. The first event was on the evening of Tuesday 17th December when 22 of our ringers, along with partners and friends, enjoyed our Christmas meal at The King’s Head and a great time was had by all. In addition to the normal Sunday Services we will also hopefully have rung for the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols on Sunday 22nd December, the Christingle Service on Christmas Eve, for Midnight Mass and on Christmas Morning. We will also have enjoyed our traditional New Year’s Party, this year kindly hosted again by Sue and Chris Bassett, and will have “rung in” 2025.

We are hoping that the New Year brings with it the completion of the work on the turret and spirelet. At the time of writing the work looks to be on time with all the scaffolding down hopefully by late January. Thanks to further donations (including that from our ringers’ own fund) the church are now within sight of the sum required to complete the project.

Things quieten down a bit in the New Year, and during January we will just be ringing on our normal Tuesday practice evening and for the regular Sunday services.

Roy Barclay

Tower Secretary

Visiting Us

All Saints Church Website (Opens in new tab)

Staplehurst Bellringers Report December 2024

Staplehurst Bellringers Report February 2025


On Tuesday 5th November we held our Tower AGM. Steve Bassett was elected as Tower Captain for the coming year in place of Adam Brady who wished to stand down due to other commitments, and Daniel Brady replaces Steve as Assistant Tower Captain. Steeplekeeper Chris Bassett, Treasurer Sallyann Barclay and Secretary Roy Barclay were all re-elected. We thank them all for their work over the past year. The ringers also unanimously agreed to make a donation towards the additional work required to the turret.

At the time of writing there is no further update on the turret and spirelet, but as mentioned last month we are currently not allowing visiting bands of ringers whilst the work is ongoing. However Christmas brings a number of extra services that we will be ringing for. In addition to the normal Sunday morning services we plan to ring for the Nine Lessons and Carols on the evening of Sunday 22nd December, the Christingle Service and Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, and the Christmas Morning Service. We will be enjoying our New Year’s Eve Party before ringing in 2025 in the traditional way.

Finally the Staplehurst Bellringers would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Roy Barclay

Tower Secretary

Visiting Us

All Saints Church Website (Opens in new tab)

Staplehurst Bellringers Report November 2024

Staplehurst Bellringers Report February 2025


Sunday 6th October was a joyful occasion, partly because it was Harvest Festival but particularly because we were able to ring Staplehurst bells once again. A platform has been installed below the spirelet to prevent debris falling down the stairway, thus allowing safe access to the tower. However this is just a short-term measure until the additional work required on the spirelet can be carried out, which cannot be done until the church can find the necessary additional funding.

We are therefore in a rapidly changing situation and ringing may have to be suspended again at short notice. Meanwhile ringing will be limited to just our practice night and Sunday services and no visiting bands will be allowed.

One event that will not be affected is our Tower AGM at which we will be electing our tower officers for the coming year. A report will appear in the December issue, along with (hopefully) an update on the turret situation.

Roy Barclay

Tower Secretary

Visiting Us

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