The Staplehurst Bellringers hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and wish you all the best for the New Year.
As usual, the Christmas period was a busy time for our ringers. On Saturday 13th December some of our ringers joined those from other churches in the area for a special Bellringers’ Carol Service at Addington, followed by mince pies and mulled wine. However, due to the non-availability of several of our ringers in the weeks preceding Christmas it was decided to postpone our “Christmas” Dinner until the New Year. In addition to the normal Sunday Services we also rang for the Christingle Service on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Morning. By the time you read this, we will also have enjoyed our traditional New Year’s Party and will have “rung in” 2015.
We are always looking to recruit new ringers to ensure that our bells continue to be rung for many years to come. As you will see above there is a good social side to bellringing. We nearly always adjourn to The King’s Head for liquid refreshment after practice, and once a year we have a day’s outing ringing at churches in other parts of the country. Why not make it one of your New Year resolutions to come and visit us at our Tuesday practice and see what it’s all about? For more information contact our Tower Captain Daniel Brady on 01580 891840. In case anyone is wondering, I must stress that there is absolutely no requirement for ringers to attend the church services that they ring for (although if they wished to, they would be most welcome).
During January we will be ringing on our normal Tuesday practice evening and for the regular Sunday Services. At present we have no visiting bands coming to ring on our bells in the early part of 2015, but that may well change as we move towards Spring.